2:1: know that its been over 2 months, but I have been busy 1) I started middle school recently and Ive had a lot of homework. 2) I just got a puppy, and boy she uses up time!! 3) I havent really adjusted very well to eastern standard time. ( i still wake up at 6:30 and go to bed at 8:00. :)
2 GO OBAMA!!! This is McMoose (McCain) & sarah hunter (palin) OBAMA RULES GO OBAMA GO OBAMA GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, that's me I havent written on my blog for... lets see here... 17 days!!!!!!!!!well we came back from cape cod. we couldn't go to Virginia cause our car broke.school starts soon. WOW!! my b-do is coming soon
my blogs reading level is genius!!!! I guess I love to read. I am always an advanced reader And in the past week I have read 8 books Including, a wrinkle in time, Holes and Small steps. I just Finished reading the chronicals of narnia series also. Oh, there Are fireworks tonight!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Okay, Ive been a bad girl not posting. Well.. Schools out and summers in. Lilla can almost walk and she says my name it sounds more like Aba or Aya. this summer I am going to do horse back riding swimming sailing and cello lessons. I really cant wait to go to cape cod soon. tomarow i am going to a girl scout campout. By the way guys I am going to middle school next year. I really am a slaacker I mean I havent posted since June 5. Keep on commenting and Ill keep on posting. ----ava----
me w/dad Ava me and quincy my bro and sis I forgot about my blog here's an awesome link. I have done lots of stuff since may 5Th. I am going to post a lot of pictures because I feel like it. these are random, by the way.
If I put a design on your blog , i wish for you to copy either the designs on the bottom or on the side.( preferably the side) so people will know who did your blog design. Thanks!!!
we are back.here is a brief description of our trip: we saw everybody except Vanessa and had a great time doing that. to look at pic and see a full story look at sabrinadodge.blogspot.com. we also took Ari home w/us.
Headers Example headers I can make for free! leave a comment and I will make one for you! I can put pics on if you send them to me or put them on your blog. 1 hour service
My spelling average is a B+ (88%) and my favorite race horses are ruffian and rags to riches. They are both girls! But I also like Man o war, Secretariat, winning colors, barbaro, swaps, clitation, sir Barton... Well you get the picture. oh and I made these. Cant you tell that I'm exited for spring?
If you want a head for your blog leave a comment an what you want and such. If you want a picture, post it on your blog and say that I can take it. Its Easy, Fast and FREE!!!
# 3 #1 #2 picture one is a header. Do you like it better than my new one??picture two is jut me. I don't have my glasses on though so her they are. pic # 3
this is nice. I am on the computer just typing this post. I know that this is strange but I feel like typing a post.can any one read this? I am typing it in small letters at the bottom of the page.
this is nice.I am on the computer just typing this post. I know this is strange but I felt like typing a post.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
i love computers.I know that this is boring but I am boring. i can make headers now!!! mine is an example. I hope this post wasn't TO boring because i don't want it to be.
My friend Clara came over today. she comes over every day except the weekends,monday and friday. At school we got cameras so that we can take pictures. we will be making i-movies which should be fun.
Sometimes having a day off of school can be very boring. I mean REALLY boring. I swear that if my younger brother says GUN one more time I will scream! doesn't the picture of me look like a painting?I think it does. I used i-photo to make it look like that!!!the first photo is the original.